Thursday, March 8, 2012

World Map 16th Century

Description: World map published in 1589 by the Dutch cartographer and engraver Gerard de Jode.

Description: World map of the Portuguese cartographer Domingo Teixeira drawn in 1573 with the sea routes of Vasco da Gama and Hernando de Magallanes. Moreover the map shows the the meridian of Tordesillas, which devided the new discovered lands between Spain and Portugal.

Description: World map made by the French mapmaker Guillaume Brouscon in 1543.

Description: "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" (Theatre of the World) made by the Flemish cartographer and geographer Abraham Ortelius in 1570, who is generally recognised as the creator of the first modern atlas.

Description: World map made by Laurent Fries, woodcut 1522.

Description: The Caverio Map (also called Caveri Map or Canerio Map) is a world map drawn by the Genoese cartographer Nicolay de Caveri, circa 1505.

Description: Orbis Terrarum published by the Dutch astronomer, cartographer and clergyman Petrus Plancius in 1594.

Description: Map of the world 1552 by the Siebenbuerger Saxon humanist and Protestant Reformer Johannes Honterus.

Description: "Orbis Terrarum" from the Dutch astronomer, cartographer and clergyman Petrus Plancius, published in 1590.

Description: The "Dieppe maps" are several maps produced in the school of cartographers in Dieppe, France during the 16th century as this world map made by the Scottish cartographer Johne Rotz, published 1542 in the Boke of Idrography.

Description: "A Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection", also known as the Wright–Molyneux Map. This Map is the first world map produced in England and based on the projection of the English mathematician and cartographer Edward Wright.

Description: World map of the Dutch explorer, cartographer, astronomer and painter Johannes Ruysch published in 1507. Ruysch's work is the second oldest known printed map showing the New World.


Description: World maps of the Northern and Southern hemisphere published in 1593 by the Dutch cartographer and engraver Gerard de Jode.

Description: World map from the Italian captain and cartographer Antonio Millo, published between 1582-1584.

Description: World map from the Italian cartographer Battista Agnese published in the Portolan Atlas 1544. The map shows the route Magellan took around the world and the route from Cadiz/Spain to Peru.


Description: World map of Diego de Ribero made in 1529. Ribero was a Spanish cartographer of Portuguese origin, who worked for Charles V at the Casa de Contratación in Seville. His map is considered as the first scientific world map based on empiric latitude observations. It delineates precisely the coasts of North, South and Central America. Neither Australia nor the Antartica appear.

Description: World map of Pietro Coppo (1470-1555) from Venice/Italy, published in 1520.

Description: Waldseemüller map from 1507. The carthographers Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmann from southern Germany collected map data over several years, including about the most recent discoveries, to realize this world map. They incorporated the first time in history the name America on a map.

Description: The Cantino planisphere is the earliest surviving map showing the new Portuguese discoveries in the world, including a fragmentary record of the Brazilian coast. The antique map is named after the Italian Alberto Cantino, who smuggled it from Portugal to Italy in 1502.

Description: World Map created by the Flemish cartographer Rumold Mercator in 1587, son of the famous cartographer Gerardus Mercator, who developed the modern projection of the world.


1 comment:

  1. I'm reading A History of the world in twelve maps and found your maps very helpful.
